Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Doctors and asthma action plans

Myah hates her new nebulizer treatments and isn't afraid to let me know. No more, Mommy, PLEASE!!

Myah tries her underwear on her head...isn't she adorable? Our first attempt at pigtails. It's not perfect, but not easy with a toddler either!

Luke lost his second tooth! When did he grow up? He has a girlfriend and is very proud, although a little nervous, to announce that he has a girlfriend and has even received a kiss (on the cheek) at the dance on Friday. He is learning so many things, and cannot wait for first grade so he can go to school everyday!

Unfortunately, Myah has become a baby school drop out. She has not been well enough to play with big groups of kids, and as we worry about her immunities we don't want to expose her to so many kids all at once.
She loves talking, although we have to worry about what language she is learning, we are understanding more and more of what she says. My favorite is Please...as it draws out forever and she is sure that when she says it she should get whatever she wants....it can't be bad to do that, can it? She is my princess after all....
Noah is taking piano lessons and is quite the musician. He loves playing and is moving along rather quickly. He has headaches daily so we see the neurologist frequently as we try to sort out the best medication plan. He loves school and is learning so much...he is reading big chapter books and loves to be quizzed in math. It seems like just yesterday he was born...hopefully he doesn't grow so fast as I blink!

Today was quite a day! Myah had an appointment in Minnetonka with the asthma specialist, a much more difficult feat given the snow that keeps on falling...a forty minute trip took one and a half hours! We found out that Myah likely has asthma and has to go on nebulizer treatments and prednisone...she hates it! Yet another asthma action plan in our house...now at least they are all on the same page!

That's all for now....will have to get a picture of Noah up here very soon as he is growing up so fast! He is just always at school when I snap the pics!

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